Saturday, 17 October 2009

Questionnaire Results

I posted a questionnaire on my blog and also printed a copy of the questionnaire off the computer and handed it out many different groups of people and aksed them to return it to me when it is completed.

The first questions I asked was to do with gender and age. The reason I asked these questions was to help me decide who my target audience is going be. As the results of the questionnaire showed that the biggest catergories to buy magazines are 10-20 and 21-30 year olds these are the ages I have decided to target my own music magazine at. Both females and males but music magazines so my own music magazine will be targeted at both genders.

My third question, "How often do you but a music magazine" links to the first and second question to, again, tell me what genders and what ages are must interested in buying music magzines.

The next question helped to decide what to mostly concentrate to help more protental readers but my magazine. Most people are mostly attracted to the band/singer which is presented on the front of the magazine. There in my magazine i will use a band that i believe will attract my target audience.

"What is your preffered genre", helps me decide what type of band/singer will attract my target audience and therefore will help sell my magazine. The results were that most 10-20 and 21-30 year olds enjoyed indie/alternative and rock/base and drum, therefore i am planning to focus my magazine on a indie/rock band.

The next question tells me what layout and what type of music magazine attracts my target audeince. People mostly chose the "Rolling Stone" magazine. Rolling Stone is a very professional looking popular culture magazine. As a result i will try to make my magazine look as professional as possible.

I also found from my magazine that suprisingly most of my target market would like to see small articles on new unsigned bands as much as mainstream bands. I will include some advertisement for unsinged bands.

The eighth question, "Who would you prefer to see on the front cover of a music magazine", links in with the question "what is your preffered genre". The two results of the questions supported each other as the results of this question was The Kings of Leon and The Artic Monkeys.

The ninth question helps me decide how much my magazine should cost depending on how much my target market would be willing to pay. Most would be prepared to pay between £3.01 and £4.00. As a result I am planning to price my magazine at £3.50.

My last question, "What would you expect to see in a music magazine" was unanimous. All my taget market expected to see professional pictures, tour dates, latest releases, new bands an the UK top 40 in a music magazine therefore i will include all these things in my magazine.

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